Why Is My Frenchie Shaking? Causes and How to Help

Why Is My Frenchie Shaking
Why Is My Frenchie Shaking


Why is my frenchie shaking ? ” This question can cause worry for French Bulldog owners. When you see your beloved Frenchie trembling, it can be concerning. Owners may become anxious when their dog shakes without a clear reason. It’s important to know that shaking can have different causes, some harmless and others needing urgent care.

Why is my frenchie shaking ?

Why Is My Frenchie Shaking
Why Is My Frenchie Shaking


French Bulldogs are sensitive to extreme temperatures. When it’s cold, they might shiver to create warmth by moving their muscles, similar to how humans shiver. On the other hand, if they shake in hot weather, it could mean they are uncomfortable or trying to cool off.

Anxiety and Fear

French Bulldogs, like humans, can feel anxious and scared. Typical causes of anxiety include loud sounds (such as thunderstorms or fireworks), new surroundings (like going to the vet or visiting unfamiliar places), or separation anxiety (when they are by themselves). Shaking during these times is usually seen along with other signs of stress like heavy breathing or restlessness.

Excitement and Overstimulation

French Bulldogs may experience shaking when they are very excited or stimulated, like during playtime or meeting new people. This trembling typically stops once the excitement fades and the dog relaxes.


French Bulldogs, especially puppies or dogs with specific health issues, may experience tremors due to low blood sugar levels known as hypoglycemia. Signs such as weakness, confusion, and shaking can be observed. It is important to maintain regular feeding times and keep a close eye on dogs at risk of hypoglycemia.

Illness and Disease

Shaking in French Bulldogs can be a symptom of different illnesses and infections. It could indicate that the dog’s immune system is actively working to combat the sickness. Infections, particularly those impacting the nervous system or resulting in fever, can induce tremors as a natural reaction.


Consuming harmful substances like chocolate, xylitol (present in sugar-free gum), specific plants (such as lilies and azaleas), or medications can cause shaking and other severe symptoms. It is crucial to seek prompt veterinary care if poisoning is suspected.

Neurological Issues

Neurological conditions such as epilepsy can lead to involuntary shaking or seizures in French Bulldogs. These disorders impact the brain and nervous system, interrupting regular bodily processes and resulting in uncontrolled movements.

Addison’s Disease

Addison’s disease, a disorder that impacts the adrenal glands, can cause symptoms such as tremors in French Bulldogs. This condition causes hormonal disruptions that can have an impact on the dog’s general health and quality of life. It is crucial for a veterinarian to diagnose and treat this disease.

Old Age

Older French Bulldogs may shake because of muscle weakness, arthritis, or age-related issues that impact the nervous system. These tremors are usually more noticeable when the dog is active or stressed and might need special care and treatment.

Recognizing the reasons behind shaking in French Bulldogs can assist owners in recognizing when their pet requires help or medical attention. It is crucial to observe your Frenchie’s actions and consult a vet if there are ongoing or worrying signs to ensure their health and happiness.

What Should You Do If Your French Bulldog Is Shaking?

Why Is My Frenchie Shaking
What Should You Do If Your French Bulldog Is Shaking?

First, observe your dog to identify any obvious triggers, such as temperature changes or visible stressors. Ensure they are comfortable and safe. If the shaking persists or is accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, or changes in behavior, seek veterinary advice immediately.

Consider the following guidelines to determine the appropriate course of action:

Check the Environment

Temperature: If it’s cold, ensure your Frenchie is warm. Provide a cozy blanket or take them to a warmer room. During hot weather, ensure your dog has access to a cool, shaded area and plenty of water.

Monitor Their Behavior

Duration: If the shaking stops in a short time, it may be due to temporary excitement or minor discomfort. However, if it persists or worsens, it could indicate a more serious problem.

When to Seek Veterinary Help

Symptoms and Situations

If your French Bulldog is shaking and also experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is important to seek prompt veterinary care:

  • Throwing up
  • Having loose stools
  • Being unusually tired
  • Showing differences in eating or drinking patterns
  • Struggling to walk or stand.

Importance of Timely Medical Intervention

Seeking prompt help is essential for issues such as poisoning, neurological problems, and severe infections when it comes to your dog’s health. It’s important not to delay in reaching out to a vet to make sure your dog gets the necessary treatment.

Measures to Reduce Shaking in French Bulldogs

why is my frenchie shaking
Measures to Reduce Shaking in French Bulldogs

Provide a Comfortable and Safe Environment

It is important to keep a consistent and suitable temperature. Utilize heating pads or blankets when it’s cold and provide a cool, shaded spot during hot weather.

Adjust Nutrition and Health

Eating a variety of foods can help avoid low blood sugar and other health problems. Making sure your French Bulldog sees the vet regularly will ensure they stay healthy.

Psychological Training and Nurturing

Teaching your French Bulldog to cope with anxiety by gradually exposing them to triggers and rewarding calm behavior can lessen trembling caused by stress. Providing a peaceful setting with familiar items can also be beneficial.


Q : Can over-exercising cause shaking in a French Bulldog, and how much exercise do they need?

A : Yes, excessive exercise can induce shaking in French Bulldogs. Due to their short-nosed anatomy, they are prone to breathing difficulties and overheating. So ” how much exercise does a french bulldog need ?” : French Bulldogs typically require 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise daily, divided into shorter sessions to prevent exhaustion and ensure their well-being.

Q : How can I tell if my French Bulldog’s shaking is due to anxiety?

A : Signs of anxiety in French Bulldogs may include trembling, passive behavior, or other signs such as excessive barking, jumping, or easily startled reactions. If anxiety is suspected, create a calm environment with reduced stimuli to help them feel secure and relaxed.

Q : If a French Bulldog ingests something they shouldn’t, can it cause shaking, and what foods should Frenchies avoid?

A : Consumption of toxic foods can lead French Bulldogs to experience shaking or adverse reactions .The question is ” what can frenchies not eat ?” : Hazardous foods include chocolate, raisins, onions, garlic, caffeine, alcohol, and certain nuts like macadamia nuts. These items can cause digestive issues, toxicity, or other health problems in French Bulldogs. To safeguard their health, ensure they have access only to safe food options and keep harmful foods out of reach.


In conclusion, understanding “ why is my frenchie shaking “ requires careful consideration of various factors. It could be due to excitement, anxiety, discomfort, or underlying health issues. Observing the frequency and triggers of shaking, providing a calm environment, and seeking veterinary advice are crucial steps in ensuring your French Bulldog’s well-being. For more information on caring for your French Bulldog and tips on reducing anxiety and improving health, visit our resources page or book an appointment with a professional veterinarian.

Welcome to bestfoodforfrenchbulldog.org, the home of Frenchie Fuel, where we are committed to providing top-notch information and guidance on the best nutrition and food for French Bulldogs. We recognize that each dog has specific nutritional requirements, which are particularly vital for breeds like the French Bulldog. Therefore, our mission is to continuously research and discover the most effective nutritional solutions.

Our team comprises animal nutrition specialists and experienced veterinarians dedicated to offering valuable and reliable information to dog owners. In addition to expert advice, Frenchie Fuel. provides a curated selection of premium food products and accessories, carefully chosen to support the health and holistic development of your cherished French Bulldogs. Trust Frenchie Fuel. to be your reliable partner in delivering the highest quality care and nutrition for your French Bulldog!

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