When do french bulldogs stop growing? A Guide

when do french bulldogs stop growing
when do french bulldogs stop growing


French Bulldogs are a popular small breed of dog that many people adore. If you have a French Bulldog puppy or are thinking about getting one, you may be curious about when they will reach their full size. It’s important to know when do french bulldogs stop growing so you can provide the best care and prepare for their development stages.

General Development Stages of French Bulldogs

when do french bulldogs stop growing
General Development Stages of French Bulldogs

Puppyhood (0-6 months)

French Bulldog puppies undergo a period of fast growth in the initial six months of their lives. They rapidly increase in size, often doubling their birth weight and height within a few weeks. By the time they reach six months old, they usually weigh around 16 to 18 pounds and stand approximately 8 to 11 inches tall at the shoulder.

Adolescence (6-12 months)

French Bulldogs experience continued growth from six months to a year, although it occurs at a reduced rate. During this period, there is notable progress in muscle growth and bone fortification. By the conclusion of their adolescent stage, they typically reach close to their full-grown height, which is approximately 11 to 12 inches.

Adulthood (12-24 months)

French Bulldogs typically reach full physical maturity between one and two years of age. During this time, they will develop their muscles and reach their final weight, which can range from 16 to 28 pounds for males and 16 to 24 pounds for females.

Here is a chart showing the average weight and height ranges of French Bulldogs at different stages of development. It’s important to note that individual dogs may vary, so this chart serves as a general reference:

Age (months) Weight (kg) Range Height (cm) Range
2 2 – 3 12 – 15
3 3 – 4 15 – 18
4 4 – 5 17 – 20
5 5 – 6 18 – 21
6 6 – 7 19 – 22
7 7 – 8 20 – 23
8 8 – 9 21 – 24
9 9 – 10 22 – 25
10 10 – 11 22 – 25
11 10 – 12 23 – 26
12 10 – 12 23 – 26
13 10 – 12 23 – 26
14 11 – 13 24 – 27
15 11 – 13 24 – 27
16 11 – 13 24 – 27
17 12 – 14 25 – 28
18 – 24 12 – 14 25 – 28

Factors Affecting Development

when do french bulldogs stop growing
Factors Affecting Development

There are various factors that can impact the growth and development of French Bulldogs. Being aware of these aspects will enable you to give your pet proper care and ensure they develop in a healthy manner.


Genetics are extremely important in deciding how big a French Bulldog will be and how quickly it will grow. The genes passed down from the dog’s parents will have a significant impact on its ultimate size, weight, and physical structure. Additionally, breeding methods are also significant; ethical breeders will choose parents with favorable characteristics, such as good health and appropriate size, which can affect how the puppies develop.


Proper nutrition plays a vital role in the growth of a French Bulldog. It is important to give them a well-rounded diet that includes proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to ensure they develop healthily. Feeding them too much or too little can result in health problems like obesity or malnutrition, which may hinder their growth and development. It is also beneficial to feed them high-quality puppy food to help build strong bones and muscles as they grow quickly. So we should choose best food for french bulldog


Engaging in physical activity has an effect on muscle growth and general well-being. Even though French Bulldogs do not need intense exercise, consistent moderate physical activity can enhance their muscles and bones. Activities such as brief walks, playtime, and gentle training sessions can have a beneficial impact on their development. It is important to steer clear of vigorous exercise, particularly when they are still young, to avoid putting strain on their developing bones and joints.

Health and Vet Care

Regular visits to the vet are important to make sure your French Bulldog is growing properly. Vets can keep an eye on their progress, administer necessary vaccines, and catch any health problems early. Issues like hip dysplasia, breathing difficulties, or other health issues specific to the breed can affect their development. Getting help early and providing the right medical attention can help control these conditions, promoting a healthier growth.

Environmental Factors

The way a French Bulldog is brought up can impact their growth. A calm, secure, and engaging environment promotes proper development. Being exposed to different social situations, new things, and mental challenges can enhance their health, maximizing their growth capacity.

By considering these aspects, you can support your French Bulldog in becoming a robust and fully developed adult, guaranteeing their success throughout their lifespan.

When do french bulldogs stop growing ?

when do french bulldogs stop growing
When do french bulldogs stop growing ?

French Bulldogs usually reach their maximum size when they are between 12 and 24 months old. Nevertheless, the growth process can differ based on various elements. Here is an in-depth examination of the phases and what you can anticipate during this timeframe.

0-6 Months: Rapid Growth

During the initial half-year, French Bulldog puppies experience their most substantial growth phase. This stage is marked by quick growth in weight and height. It’s common to observe your puppy doubling in size in just a few weeks. By the end of six months, most French Bulldogs typically weigh between 16 to 18 pounds and measure around 8 to 11 inches tall at the shoulder. It’s crucial during this period to feed them high-quality puppy food that is packed with essential nutrients to aid their rapid development.

6-12 Months: Slowing Down

Between six months and one year old, French Bulldogs experience a decrease in their growth rate. This period is important for building muscle and strengthening bones. Although they still grow in weight and height, it is not as rapid as when they were puppies. By the end of this stage, most French Bulldogs have reached their adult height, usually around 11 to 12 inches. Providing a well-rounded diet and incorporating regular, gentle exercise can support their healthy development.

12-24 Months: Final Growth Phase

The last stage of development for French Bulldogs occurs between one and two years of age. At this point, your dog will continue to mature, putting on the remaining muscle mass and reaching their full weight. By the time they reach 24 months, most male French Bulldogs weigh between 16 to 28 pounds, and females weigh between 16 to 24 pounds. They will also reach their adult height of around 11 to 12 inches during this period.


Q : How long do Frenchies live?

A : Dog owners often wonder How long do Frenchies live ? The answer is the french bulldog typically has a lifespan of around 10 to 12 years. With proper care, diet, and regular veterinary check-ups, some French Bulldogs can live even longer, up to 14 years or more. Factors such as genetics, environment, and overall health play significant roles in determining a Frenchie’s lifespan.

Q : Is it necessary to adjust my dog’s diet during their growth phase?

A: Indeed, it is essential to offer French Bulldogs proper and well-rounded nutrition while they are growing to maintain their health.

Q : Are there any signs that indicate my French Bulldog is nearing the end of its growth phase?

A: An important sign is when the body stops growing rapidly, weight stays consistent, and there are minimal changes in size.


In conclusion, understanding when do french bulldogs stop growing is essential for every Frenchie owner or prospective owner. By knowing when your French Bulldog will reach their full size, you can provide them with the best care throughout their developmental stages. Whether you’re preparing for their adulthood size or simply curious about their growth timeline, being informed about this aspect of Frenchie ownership ensures you can nurture them effectively from puppyhood to maturity. Remember, each French Bulldog may have slight variations in their growth patterns, but being attentive to their needs and growth milestones ensures a healthy and happy companion for years to come.

Welcome to bestfoodforfrenchbulldog.org, the home of Frenchie Fuel, where we are committed to providing top-notch information and guidance on the best nutrition and food for French Bulldogs. We recognize that each dog has specific nutritional requirements, which are particularly vital for breeds like the French Bulldog. Therefore, our mission is to continuously research and discover the most effective nutritional solutions.

Our team comprises animal nutrition specialists and experienced veterinarians dedicated to offering valuable and reliable information to dog owners. In addition to expert advice, Frenchie Fuel. provides a curated selection of premium food products and accessories, carefully chosen to support the health and holistic development of your cherished French Bulldogs. Trust Frenchie Fuel. to be your reliable partner in delivering the highest quality care and nutrition for your French Bulldog!

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