What Can Frenchies Not Eat? Foods to Avoid for Frenchies

what can frenchies not eat
what can frenchies not eat


A common question among dog owners is, what can frenchies not eat ? This article seeks to provide answers to this frequently asked question.

French Bulldogs are well-known for their delightful personality and cute looks. Because of their unique physical traits and small size, they are more susceptible to certain foods that can be dangerous or poisonous. It is crucial for responsible pet owners to be knowledgeable about which foods to avoid. Understanding the specific dietary restrictions for French Bulldogs can help prevent severe health issues and ensure a happy, healthy life for these cherished companions.

Detailed List of what can frenchies not eat

Chocolate and Caffeine

what can frenchies not eat Chocolate and Caffeine
Chocolate and Caffeine
  • Harmful Components: The substances theobromine and caffeine
  • Dangers: French Bulldogs have a heightened sensitivity to theobromine and caffeine, which are present in chocolate and drinks with caffeine. Consuming these can result in signs like throwing up, diarrhea, fast breathing, elevated heart rate, and possibly seizures.
  • Recommended Option: Choose treats made for dogs that are safe for them to consume.

Onions, Garlic, and Scallions

what can frenchies not eat Onions, Garlic, and Scallions
Onions, Garlic, and Scallions
  • Toxic Substances: Thiosulfate
  • Impacts: These substances have the potential to harm your dog’s red blood cells by causing oxidative stress, which can result in conditions such as hemolytic anemia. Signs of this may include tiredness, lack of energy, and decreased appetite.
  • Concealed Sources: Be cautious of seasonings, condiments, and packaged foods that could potentially harbor these hazardous compounds.

Grapes and Raisins

what can frenchies not eat Grapes and Raisins
Grapes and Raisins
  • Hazards: Grapes and raisins are extremely harmful and can lead to sudden kidney failure in French Bulldogs. Even a small quantity can pose a risk.
  • Recommended Safe Fruits: Consider choosing fruits such as seedless apples, blueberries, and watermelon as healthier alternatives.


  • Common Items: Examples include sugar-free gum, candies, baked goods, and certain types of peanut butter.
  • Potential Dangers: Xylitol can trigger a quick insulin surge in dogs, resulting in low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). Prolonged exposure may lead to liver issues.
  • Significance of Reviewing Labels: It is crucial to thoroughly examine product labels to prevent unintentional consumption.


  • Ethanol Poisoning: Even a small quantity of alcohol can be dangerous, leading to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems, and in extreme cases, unconsciousness or fatality.
  • Emergency Response: If your dog consumes alcohol by mistake, promptly seek veterinary help.


  • Types to Avoid: Stay away from bones that are grilled, small, or sharp.
  • Safer Alternatives: Choose dental chews or dog bones that are specifically made to support good oral health.
  • Risks: Small or sharp bones can lead to choking, blockages in the digestive system, or even tears in the intestinal lining.

Foods High in Fat

  • Effect on Pancreatitis: Consuming high-fat foods can lead to pancreatitis, a painful and serious health issue.
  • Instances: Deep-fried meats, fatty portions of meat
  • Healthier Alternatives: Opt for lean meats such as chicken breast or turkey.

Macadamia Nuts

what can frenchies not eat Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia Nuts
  • Toxic Compounds: Not specified
  • Effects: French Bulldogs may experience serious symptoms such as weakness, vomiting, high body temperature, and shaking if they consume macadamia nuts. These signs typically show up within 12 hours of eating the nuts and can persist for up to 48 hours.
  • Precaution: It is important to keep nuts safely stored and refrain from giving any type of nut to your dog, as several other nuts can also be toxic.


what can frenchies not eat Avocados
  • Toxin: Persin
  • Risks: Even though small amounts of avocado may not be deadly, French Bulldogs can experience vomiting and diarrhea from consuming any part of the fruit, leaves, seeds, or bark containing persin. Avocado pits are also a choking risk.
  • Safe Treats: Instead of avocado, you can offer your dog small portions of fruits like bananas or strawberries, which are typically safe and healthy options.

Foods and Supplements to Avoid

Milk Products

  • Digestive Problems: A lot of dogs, such as French Bulldogs, cannot digest lactose properly, which can cause issues like diarrhea and flatulence.
  • Substitutes for Milk: Options include lactose-free milk or specially made dog milk.

Raw Meat and Raw Eggs

  • Infection Risk: Feeding your dog raw food may increase the chances of them getting sick from dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli.
  • Proper Handling: If you opt for a raw diet, it is important to seek advice from your veterinarian on how to safely handle the food.

Salt and Salty Snacks

  • Signs of Sodium Overload: Consuming too much salt can lead to signs such as throwing up, having loose stools, experiencing shaking, and possibly having seizures.
  • Better Choices for Health: Choose snacks with less salt and make sure to offer clean water at all times.

Candy and Sweet Foods

  • Dental Problems and Obesity: Consuming sugary foods can result in dental issues and also play a role in obesity.
  • Healthy Sweet Options: Fruits such as apples or carrots are natural alternatives that can fulfill your dog’s craving for sweetness without the extra sugar.

What to do when a French Bulldog eats something harmful

what can frenchies not eat
What to do when a French Bulldog eats something harmful

To deal with the situation when your French Bulldog eats something they shouldn’t have, follow these detailed steps:

  1. Identify the type of food or object:Start by accurately identifying what your dog has eaten. Take note of its color, shape, and amount so you can provide precise details to the vet.
  2. Contact the veterinarian immediately:Get in touch with the vet or take your dog to the animal hospital right away. This is important as the vet can promptly assess the situation and decide on the necessary treatment. Don’t delay, as certain foods can be very harmful to your dog.
  3. Provide detailed information:When you reach the veterinary clinic, give detailed information about the food or object your dog has consumed. If you’re unsure, also inform the vet about any symptoms your dog is showing.
  4. Avoid self-treatment:Refrain from trying to treat your dog without professional guidance. Some foods can lead to serious health issues like seizures, heart problems, or life-threatening conditions.
  5. Monitor symptoms:If immediate vet care isn’t possible, closely watch your dog for symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, lethargy, or unusual behavior. This will assist the vet in making a diagnosis and deciding on the appropriate treatment during the evaluation.
  6. Provide clean water:Make sure your dog has access to fresh and clean water. This can help dilute toxins and aid in the treatment process.

If you’re uncertain about the danger level of the consumed food, keep contact details for animal poison control centers or emergency vet services handy for further advice before heading to the clinic. Acting quickly and accurately when your French Bulldog ingests something inappropriate is vital for their well-being and safety.

Expert Tips and Recommendations

Consult with Veterinarians

Seeking guidance from a veterinarian is crucial for receiving customized nutritional recommendations. They can assist in creating a diet that is suitable for your French Bulldog’s individual health requirements, taking into account factors such as age, weight, and any preexisting medical issues.


Q : What should I do if my French Bulldog eats something they shouldn’t?

A : If your French Bulldog consumes a toxic food like chocolate, onions, or grapes, contact your veterinarian immediately. Prompt action can be crucial for their health.

Q : If a French Bulldog eats something they shouldn’t, will they shake?

A : When a French Bulldog encounters something inedible, Why Is My Frenchie Shaking If your French Bulldog consumes something inappropriate, you may observe them experiencing shaking or trembling. This behavior could indicate discomfort or illness, so it’s crucial to keep a close watch on them. Why is my Frenchie shaking?

Q : what can french bulldogs eat?

A : what can french bulldogs eat ? French Bulldogs can enjoy a diverse diet including lean meats such as chicken and beef, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains like oats and brown rice, and unsweetened yogurt. It’s crucial to refrain from feeding them foods containing seeds, skins, or spices, and it’s advisable to seek guidance from a veterinarian to ensure their nutritional requirements are met.

Q : Is it safe to feed a French Bulldog a raw diet tailored for French Bulldogs?

A : Feeding a french bulldog raw diet can be safe if carefully balanced for nutrients and managed to avoid bacterial contamination. Consulting with a veterinarian knowledgeable about raw feeding is crucial to ensure it meets your dog’s nutritional needs and health considerations.

Q : What’s causing my French Bulldog to vomit? Is it possible they ingested something harmful?

A: why is my frenchie throwing up ? If your French Bulldog is vomiting, it might be due to ingesting something they shouldn’t have. This could suggest discomfort or illness, so it’s crucial to closely monitor their health.


Knowing what can frenchies not eat  is crucial for their health. Steering clear of dangerous items such as chocolate, onions, and xylitol, in addition to seeking guidance from a veterinarian for tailored recommendations, can have a significant impact. Providing appropriate nutrition will guarantee that your Frenchie has a long and joyful life. Consider scheduling a consultation with a veterinary nutritionist to receive additional advice to help you choose the best food for French bulldogs .

Welcome to bestfoodforfrenchbulldog.org, the home of Frenchie Fuel, where we are committed to providing top-notch information and guidance on the best nutrition and food for French Bulldogs. We recognize that each dog has specific nutritional requirements, which are particularly vital for breeds like the French Bulldog. Therefore, our mission is to continuously research and discover the most effective nutritional solutions.

Our team comprises animal nutrition specialists and experienced veterinarians dedicated to offering valuable and reliable information to dog owners. In addition to expert advice, Frenchie Fuel. provides a curated selection of premium food products and accessories, carefully chosen to support the health and holistic development of your cherished French Bulldogs. Trust Frenchie Fuel. to be your reliable partner in delivering the highest quality care and nutrition for your French Bulldog!

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